Let’s Build Together!
A Fellowship Group isn’t just a gathering; it is a shared faith journey with others. Together, you’ll grow, encourage one another, and make a lasting impact in God’s kingdom.
Why Join a Fellowship Group?
Fellowship Groups help us:
Grow in faith as we follow Jesus and help others follow Him.
Build a community of support and encouragement.
Pray for and with one another.
Learn and grow through shared experiences and insights.
Serve together and make a positive impact in our communities.
In an FG, you’ll find a safe space to connect, be inspired, and journey together toward a deeper relationship with God.

Discover Spiritual Quotient.
How's Your SQ?
There are four essentials for every believer to have a deep connection with God: Praying for all occasions, Meditating on God’s word, Proclaiming God’s Truth, and Fellowshipping with others.
And there’s one app that will help you grow into these essentials.

Worship With Us.
Join us for a multicultural worship experience centred on Christ and empowered by the Spirit anytime and anywhere.

EN Campus.
We provide an open, inclusive environment to welcome and support the next generation. We create opportunities for them to connect with Jesus and equip them to live by the Spirit.

Serve Our City.
Transform our local community and bring hope to our neighbours through acts of kindness demonstrating God’s love.