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Speaker: Mark Chew

Sermon Title Design (1)
Just as a healthy plant grows fruit, a life in Christ will naturally bear the fruit of the Spirit! Today,...
Life can be challenging, but you can persevere with God’s forgiveness, presence, and victory. Focus on Him and accept the...
Everyone loves good news! This Christmas, let’s remember the best news: the reason we can all become part of God’s...
Christmas holidays bring families – and maybe family problems – to the forefront. Today, let’s see how Jesus meant family...
It is challenging to plan for something when you don’t know when it will happen. Jesus gives us a game...
We all have received the King’s invitation. Jesus teaches us how our response to the invitation matters in the kingdom...
Today’s world is all about authenticity. But can we really reveal our deepest thoughts? The key is the truth of...
The values of the world are different from what Jesus values. Let’s look at what Jesus has to say about...
We compliment or critique people on what we see. But what happens on the outside rarely reveals what’s in the...
When life doesn’t make sense, how do we respond? With Jesus, the unreasonable may be what makes sense in His...