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Speaker: Joshua Harris

We can plan for the future, but there will always be something we don’t foresee. Let’s talk about what truly...
The Pharisees were outwardly religious, but their hearts were far from God. How can we be different?
“Why, God?” It’s a familiar phrase, but let’s look closer at the heart of the questions people asked Jesus.
Even in church community, it’s not always easy to stay united. It takes God’s presence for us to enjoy lasting...
Something about trees and mountains makes it easy to reflect, recharge, and feel closer to God. But would it be...
Deepening any relationship requires time and effort. If we want to know Jesus more, we need to be intentional about...
We all know that it’s impossible to keep a wave from reaching the shore. It’s just as impossible to stop...
Sometimes God’s words don’t make sense to us. But if we receive them in the right way, we’ll be surprised...
We often think about justice as strict, efficient, and unforgiving. But let’s look deeper into Jesus’ kind of justice.
“Why, God?” It’s a question everyone has asked or will ask at some point. What is God’s answer when times...