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Series: Matthew

Effect follows cause. The action goes before the outcome. But what if the natural order we’re used to flips upside...
What was the underlying intention behind subjecting Jesus to excruciating shame and pain? Let’s closely examine the profound significance of...
You may consider yourself chill or a fighter, but this is true for all: Left to ourselves, we will go...
Nobody’s perfect—except for one man: Jesus. Let’s look at how Jesus showed Himself perfect as the crucifixion drew near.
Embarking on a journey of following Jesus is not always a comfortable experience. When we explore the book of Matthew,...
It is challenging to plan for something when you don’t know when it will happen. Jesus gives us a game...
We can plan for the future, but there will always be something we don’t foresee. Let’s talk about what truly...
The Pharisees were outwardly religious, but their hearts were far from God. How can we be different?
“Why, God?” It’s a familiar phrase, but let’s look closer at the heart of the questions people asked Jesus.
We all have received the King’s invitation. Jesus teaches us how our response to the invitation matters in the kingdom...