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Series: Matthew

We can plan for the future, but there will always be something we don’t foresee. Let’s talk about what truly...
The Pharisees were outwardly religious, but their hearts were far from God. How can we be different?
“Why, God?” It’s a familiar phrase, but let’s look closer at the heart of the questions people asked Jesus.
We all have received the King’s invitation. Jesus teaches us how our response to the invitation matters in the kingdom...
Today’s world is all about authenticity. But can we really reveal our deepest thoughts? The key is the truth of...
It’s normal to expect a fair exchange for hard work. In truth, Jesus gave us the better deal in an...
If perfection is unattainable, who gets welcomed into the kingdom of heaven? The answer is simple but not easy.
Even in church community, it’s not always easy to stay united. It takes God’s presence for us to enjoy lasting...
The values of the world are different from what Jesus values. Let’s look at what Jesus has to say about...
It’s not the size of our faith that makes miracles happen. The key is where we anchor our faith.